Joint Health & Safety Committee The Joint Health & Safety Committee is a forum where the employer and work representatives work together to identify, assess and control employee health and safety hazards in the workplace. The work of the committee should focus on prevention. The committee engages in a wide range of activities and conducts regular meetings, inspections of the workplace , participates in and makes recommendations regarding the health and safety program. The Joint Health & Safety committee also communicates with both workers and management regarding health and safety matters. The Joint Health & Safety Committee provides an opportunity for those affected by health and safety hazards to use the first hand knowledge of the workplace to identify hazards and make recommendations to control them. CERTIFIED MEMBERS Certified members of the Joint Health and Safety Committee have specific training in occupational health & safety and have particularly important functions. Some of these include, stop worker, investigating complaints of hazardous situations and critical injury investigations. Certified members will most likely be the individuals who interact with the Ministry of Labour where there is a complaint or unresolved health & safety issue in the workplace. Your Joint Health and Safety Committee…Event Information:
Health & Safety