Back from Holidays and feeling the winter blues?
Bring a little fun into your work week with Wacky Wednesdays!
Wacky Wednesdays fall on the first Wednesday of each month. We encourage employees to participate, take photos of themselves and other participants, and just have a great time with whatever the challenge may be.
Wednesday February 5th
Wear pink or red to celebrate love + friendship in February.
Valentine’s Day may have played a small part in this Wacky Wednesday’s theme.
To earn your Wellness Matters ballot: please take a photo of yourself and/or your colleagues wearing the colours of love + friendship and email it to Laura Kirk at laurakirk@clgw.ca. Submissions are due by end of day February 7th to be eligible for a FREE DAY OFF with pay. Please include names of all staff who are in the photo, so that you can each receive a ballot).