If you plan to travel, ensure you have logged into Empire and obtained your new card. You will need it if you need emergency assistance when travelling. WE have a new provider for this insurance – Trident Global Assistance Inc.
Details are below.

Mark Your Calendar: Download Your New Benefit Card May 1
We’re excited to announce we’re moving our travel emergency assistance program to Trident Global Assistance Inc.
What does this change mean to you?
- On May 1, we will post your new benefit card to the plan member website
- You need to save the new card —so you have Trident Global Assistance contact information when you travel
- There is no change in service
Not registered for the plan member website? It’s easy. Here’s how!
Before May 1, 2022
Contact Allianz Global Assistance until April 30, for travel emergencies Telephone numbers
800 321-9998 (US and Canada)
519 742-2800 (International collect calls)
On May 1, 2022
Download your new benefit cardfrom the plan member website
Call Trident Global Assistance if you have an emergency when travelling after May 1, 2022 Telephone numbers
855 537-1722 (US and Canada)
416 814-7605 (International collect calls)
Check out this page or this FAQ for more information
May 1, 2022 download your new benefit card
Why are we making this change?
We’re dedicated to making your group benefits simple, fast and easy. With Trident Global Assistance, we are better positioned to deliver the best possible service to you when you travel outside your province of residence.
Who is Trident Global Assistance?
The Trident Global Assistance team has over 75 years of combined expertise in travel emergency assistance. They have the operational know-how to help you 24/7/365 and provide effective case management should you experience an emergency when travelling, after May 1, 2022.
Are we updating the benefits booklet?
Yes, but the contact information for Trident Global Assistance is contained in your new benefits card, so please make sure you have your card with you when you travel out of your province of residence after May 1, 2022.Questions?
As always, if you have any questions, please contact your group plan administrator or our customer service unit at group.csu@empire.ca
Under the Travel Emergency Assistance program, Trident Global Assistance Inc. provides out of province travel emergency medical assistance, claim administration and cost containment services for employees and their dependants who have extended health benefits under their group benefit plan insured by Empire Life. Empire Life will assume no responsibility for any negligence, wrongful acts or omissions of Trident Global Assistance Inc. or its agents, or for medical advice or legal counsel given by any physician or other health care professional and/or attorney as part of the services provided by Trident Global Assistance Inc. For complete details regarding the terms and benefits of the program, including a complete list of limitations and exclusions, please refer to your Employee Benefits Booklet or contact your Plan Administrator.