Upcoming Events

ODSP Information Meeting


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Staff who hold funds in the Manulife RSP/RPP

The RSP/RPP plans you have with Manulife do as well as your investment choices allow.  You are responsible for choosing where you place your funds.  These choices have a direct impact on how much growth you will see between now and the time you retire.

The plan default investment has been changed to a Retirement Target Date Fund.  This means if your funds were invested in either a one year or five year GIA, contributions going forward will be allocated to the year closest to your year of retirement, for example ML Retirement Date 2045.  The Retirement Target Date Funds present a better investment option compared to a one year (1001) or five year (1005) GIA.

For Example:  An investment code of 1001 indicates the selection of a one year GIA with a current rate of return of 1.050%.   An investment code of 1005 indicates a 5 year GIA with a current rate of 1.450%.  Again, how you choose has a direct impact on how much growth you will see.

If you would like to ensure you are on the right track with your plans, Tom Bothwell of Bothwell Financial Services will be available on site on the following days:

Wednesday November 8th – 10:30am-1:00pm Guelph – ARC Front Boardroom
Thursday November 9th – 1:00pm-4:30pm Mount Forest Conference Room
Friday November 10th – 10:00am-1:00pm Guelph Claire B Boardroom
Monday November 13th – 10:30am-12:30pm Fergus Conference Room

To book an appointment to speak with them regarding your investment direction, please contact Aradhna Raina, HR Assistant at your earliest convenience to obtain the best time for you.  AradhnaRaina@clgw.ca or 226-314-0822.

If you have any questions regarding your funds or otherwise, also feel free to contact Tom at his office directly at 519-837-1515 or bothwellfinancial@rogers.com.

Angela Bukowski
Human Resources Administrator

Click here to download a PDF of this memo.

Blood Drive

To All CLGW Employees:

Have you ever thought about saving lives?

Community Living Guelph Wellington is teaming up with Canadian Blood Services to do just that. We will be donating blood as a team to help local patients. Patients just like Josh.

CLGW Blood Drive 2017

We will be donating blood on Monday December 4th at the Guelph Blood Donor Clinic (130 Silvercreek Pkwy N) between 3:00pm-7:00pm.  This is on a volunteer basis and out of your normal work hours.

Please sign up with me (Fern Donaldson) if you are interested in donating.

The total blood donation process will take about 1 hour, with 10 minutes of that being the actual donation.

Please consider saving lives with me!


Staff Recognition 2017

“There is no passion to be found in playing small – settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”  Nelson Mandela

The above quote reminds me of our transformation journey.  Our employees are doing an amazing job of ensuring they make a difference in the lives of those we support!    Through the efforts of these dedicated employees, individuals who rely on us for support are realizing their dreams.

Please take some time to read this booklet and when you see the people profiled in these pages, please thank them for their long standing dedication and commitment to our agency and to those that we support.

On behalf of Community Living Guelph Wellington, I would like to thank each and every one of you for the amazing work that you do in helping to “…facilitate opportunities for people with developmental disabilities to realize their potential and dreams in their communities.”

Laura Hanley
Executive Director

To download the booklet, please click this link.

Staff Transformation Survey


To allow more staff time to respond to the survey, we have extended it until this Sunday October 29.
If you have not yet completed the survey, please follow the link below.
As we have been embarking on our Transformation journey for quite some time now, we would like to get your feedback on your experiences and opinions on how the process has been for you as a Direct Support Professional (DSP) so far. As DSP’s in the developmental services industry you are instrumental in bringing about the changes that have been  brought forth by the Ministry of Community & Social Services and in driving the CLGW philosophy and the vision of the transformation.
Please take a few minutes to answer the following survey honestly and to the best of your knowledge based on how the transformation has impacted you to this point. Your opinion and feedback will be important in future transformation initiatives as we continue forward.
If you would complete the survey before Sunday October 29*, that would be great!

Please click here to complete the survey.

Accessibility Plan

Our Accessibility Plan can be viewed by clicking this link.

Canada Savings Bonds will be ending by the end of October.

Canada Savings Bonds last deduction will be this pay end October 11, 2017.
For more information, please view the following:

Canada Savings Bond update

Human Resources

CBA 11.06 G – Relief Hours Worked

As you know there were made to section 11.06 of the Collective Bargaining Unit, which came into effect once the CBA was ratified in the spring, which now reads as follows:

If a Relief Employee, does not work a minimum of two (2) direct support shifts for four (4) consecutive pay periods, provided shifts were offered during that period.  Relief employees can request via their immediate supervisor to train/orient at alternate programs which may be approved based on operational needs.

We recognized that there were some reporting gaps in our process to be able to accurately determine which relief staff had responded to accepting a shift, but were not given the shift as someone else had responded quicker. As such we temporarily put our termination process on hold for relief staff who were not able to fulfill the minimum shift requirement. We have now worked out our reporting and tracking process and as such we will begin to terminate relief employees who are not able to work 2 shifts within the period of August 30 – October 25th. Attached is the payroll schedule with an example which illustrates how this system works.

If you have any questions, please contact your supervisor directly or human resources.

Thanks everyone!

Tricia Vogel
HR Manager

Relief Schedule 2017-2018

Elder Abuse Awareness Event


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Internal Job Postings

Effective immediately, internal job openings will be posted within Kronos.

The following link provides instructions on how to navigate to job postings within Kronos and apply or you can click on JOB POSTINGS on the homepage under the tip sheet to obtain instructions.

If you require assistance please contact either Cindy or Angela in Human Resources.

CindyMoir@clgw.ca        ABukowski@clgw.ca

Download: HOW-TO document for Internal Job Applications