Upcoming Events

CSB Payroll Savings Program 2017

Payroll savings

The CSB Payroll Savings Program

The Government of Canada announced it will discontinue the sale of Canada Savings Bonds (CSBs) purchased through the Payroll Savings Program as of November 2017.
What this means if you are currently enrolled in the Program

  • Your CSB contributions will continue to be deducted from your pay and go towards your CSB Payroll Savings Plan until 31 October 2017.
  • The funds in your Payroll Savings Plan are safe, guaranteed and will be honoured. Bond series in your plan will continue to earn interest until redemption or maturity, whichever comes first.
  • You will continue to have access to your funds 24/7 through CSB Online Services. If you wish to make a redemption prior to the maturity date, you can do so online or by using the automated telephone service.
  • As each bond series in your plan matures, the funds (principal and interest) associated with that series will automatically be paid out to you by cheque or direct deposit according to your account information.
  • After all the bond series in your plan have been redeemed or paid out, your plan will be closed.
  • If you contribute to a Canada RSP through the Payroll Savings Program, there will be no change at this time. If any, they will be communicated to you at a future date.

For more information about what this announcement means to you, please visit csb.gc.ca to access Questions and Answers for Payroll Savings Program – Employees.

End of year requirements and due dates

To:    All Program Areas
From:    Betty Grinwis and June Sutherland
Date    March 21, 2017
Re:    Year-End Requirements and Due Dates

Just a reminder that March 31st is the fiscal year-end for CLGW.
this means that all revenues and expenses incurred from April 1, 2016 through to
March 31, 2017 must be processed within the next couple of weeks.
Listed below are the items the Finance office requires in order that they are included
in the current fiscal year. (so if you need approvals and time for the paperwork to
reach 8 Royal road, please make allowances for that)
Cash and Cheques that need to be Deposited: Due Date is March 30th

Travel Expenses with dates on or before Mar 31: Due Date is March 29th end of day
(to Janice Hacking in Payroll)

ARC Invoicing and Room Rental Invoicing: Due Date is April 7th

Invoices dated on or before March 31, 2017: Due Date is April 7th

Gas and grocery receipts dated on or before Mar 31: Due Date is April 7th

Petty Cash Confirmation Forms: Due Date is April 14th

Petty Cash Requests (reconcile on Mar 31): Due Date is April 4th by noon

Ministry statistics (January 1 to March 31): Due Date is April 15th

Ministry statistics Year-to-date requirements: Due Date is April 15th
(for Residential, i.e. individuals receiving supports in case mgmt, psychological assessments, behavioural supports
and speech therapy)

Visa Receipts: Due Date is Send same day card is used

Receipts, travel, journal entries: Due Date is April 03
related to passport recipients

Clarification re: Vacation/Leave of Absence time off Approvals

Hi everyone:

We wanted to clarify that due to the current labour situation we are unable to approve vacation requests beyond March 31, 2017. If your request has already been approved by your supervisor we will honour it; otherwise, we will hold your request(s) until there is a decision regarding a new collective agreement.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact your supervisor,

Thank you everyone,

Laura Hanley
Executive Director

Workplace Harassment

Employee Workplace HarassmentPlease make yourselves aware of the new legislation regarding workplace harassment and the subsequent updates to our policy to protect you and other staff members.Bill 132 amends Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), which provides for employees’ rights, but also gives guidelines for employees’ duties.

We have created a PowerPoint presentation that we hope will answer any questions you have. You can download it by clicking here. It’s also available as a PDF by clicking here.

As always our policies are accessible through the Policies tab in this website’s menu.

Tricia Vogel
HR Manager

Fashion Show

Event Information:

  • Human Resources


    Recruitment-External & Internal

    Training & Development
    First Aid/CPR/NVCI/Fire Extinguisher
    and any other in-house/external relevant training

    Employee Information

    Policies and Procedures


    Travel Expense

    Reference Checks

    contact: H.R. Department
    Brenda Randell Human Resources Manager 824-2480 Ext. 228
    Janice Hacking Human Resources/Payroll/Benefits Assistant 824 2480 Ext. 226
    Angela Bukowski Human Resources/Payroll/Administration Clerk 824-2480 Ext. 227

Vanity Room


Union Petition Clarification Notice

Please be advised that there has been a recent petition circulating regarding Community Living Guelph Wellington (CLGW) and Community Living Dufferin (CLD).  As an agency, we want to confirm that this is a CUPE union led initiative and not an agency led initiative in any way.

CLGW wants to clarify a couple of points included in the union petition:

  • In addition to service expansion over the past several years, CLGW received an addition to base funding in 2014-15 in the amount of $793,641. This base funding increase was provided to … support the continued professionalization of developmental services and to support an increase in the salaries and wages of MCSS funded adult developmental services front line workers…”  This resulted in a 4% increase in staff compensation (salaries plus benefits)
  • In 2013 CLGW reduced agency-wide service hours by 4,680 per year to assist with our statutory financial obligations. There were no staff lay-offs as a result of this reduction in hours and no substantial reduction in service to clients

Please feel free to contact Laura Hanley, Executive Director at 226-314-0830 if you have any questions.

Wellington Basketball Club

Basketball 2017

Facilitating Connections


Event Information:

  • Human Resources


    Recruitment-External & Internal

    Training & Development
    First Aid/CPR/NVCI/Fire Extinguisher
    and any other in-house/external relevant training

    Employee Information

    Policies and Procedures


    Travel Expense

    Reference Checks

    contact: H.R. Department
    Brenda Randell Human Resources Manager 824-2480 Ext. 228
    Janice Hacking Human Resources/Payroll/Benefits Assistant 824 2480 Ext. 226
    Angela Bukowski Human Resources/Payroll/Administration Clerk 824-2480 Ext. 227

The Communiqué January 2017

Our latest issue of The Communiqué has just been published. Please click here to download this edition.