Upcoming Events

Brittany’s Cancer Angels

In or near Guelph on June 7th? Consider joining us for lunch!

Brittany’s Cancer Angels are hosting their second fundraiser, and it’s a BBQ!

For $5.00, enjoy a jumbo hot dog, chips and a pop, with proceeds going towards Brittany’s Cancer Angels’ Relay for Life Campaign. If you’re joining for lunch, RSVP with your name and money to order to Penny Rundle by June 5th. Can’t make it? Consider donating online through the Relay for Life website (direct link to Brittany’s Cancer Angels here.)

2017-18 Annual General Meeting

Our 2017-18 Annual General Meeting has been set.

Wednesday June 27, 2018

We’re very excited to share about our upcoming partnership with Habitat for Humanity Wellington Dufferin Guelph, that will help improve Community Living Guelph Wellington’s residential services.

The AGM will start promptly at 6:00pm, so please arrive early to get a seat. This year’s AGM will be held in the ARC Cafeteria, located inside the ARC Industries building at 8 Royal Road, Guelph ON.

To help prepare you for the AGM, please visit the following link for all the documents you will need for this year’s meeting: https://www.clgw.ca/agm-documents/

If you will be attending, we are asking that attendees please voluntarily donate a non-perishable food item to our Grocery Assistance Program.

We hope to see you on June 27.

About the Grocery Assistance Program

Did you know that over 50% of people on social assistance access a food bank on a regular basis? Or that market rent in our area ranges from $650 to over $900/month? Many of our Supported Independent Living members do not live in subsidized housing or get any extra funding for their rent, which creates a financial strain and can leave very little funds left to cover monthly expenses.

With the Grocery Assistance Program aims to respond to the needs of people CLGW supports in SIL, by giving those who are running low, or are out of food, enough to eat until the end of the month.

Ratification Vote – Thursday May 17, 2018

Attention all members of CUPE local 4392 Community Living Guelph Wellington

You’re bargaining committee has reached a tentative agreement with the employer and will be holding ratification votes


10am information and vote
Red Chevron
34 Elizabeth St
N1E 2X2

7pm information and vote
ARC cafeteria (second floor)
8 Royal Road (CLGW Admin site)
N1H 1G3

Together, we can achieve our goals.

Community is where it’s at, and we want to do even more in the community!

Each year, Community Living Guelph Wellington strives to innovate and engage our communities in meaningful change for the people we support. Programs like Campus Friends, an opportunity for the people we support to experience the wonder of university life, are ways we can inspire change and inclusion.

As you know, we are funded by the Ministry of Community and Social Services for our core services. However, we rely on donations and fundraised dollars to provide for the little extras that enhance people’s experience living in group homes or attending day programs.

We are requesting your help so that together, we can achieve our goals.

Should you wish to contribute through donation, we have made it easy for you to donate to CLGW’s innovation and enhancement efforts for the people we support. Below is a donation form, where you can donate on a bi-weekly basis from your pay. At the end of each year during the donation period, you will have a charitable donation amount on your T4, that you may use to reduce your taxable income.

If you’re interested, please open and download this PDF, which is a Payroll Deduction Donation Form. Complete the bottom third, detach, and return below the cut-line to the Payroll Department before May 23, 2018.

Thank you for all that you do!

Download: Payroll Deduction Donation Form PDF

May is Community Living Month

shine a light on community living, community living, inclusion, green and blue, clgw, cn tower blue and green

Shine a Light on Community Living returns on May 4th

As part of Community Living Month in May, Community Living Guelph Wellington will join Community Living organizations across the province, to raise awareness and demonstrate what’s possible when we all come together for people who have a developmental disability and their families.

Across Ontario, flag-raisings, mayor’s breakfasts, and barbecues are already on the books, as is Shine a Light on Community Living – a night when buildings throughout Ontario are lit blue and green and become powerful symbols of inclusion.

The third annual event will take place on Friday, May 4th.

CLGW’s administrative and program buildings will be illuminated in Community Living’s colours.

The CN Tower will once again shine blue and green that evening at sunset. The lighting will be more visible when the sky darkens sufficiently approximately 30 minutes later. As it does every night, a standard light show will run for eight minutes at the top of every hour.

The Toronto sign in Nathan Phillips Square will be involved in this year’s campaign, as will the Peace Bridge in Fort Erie.

CLGW is also inviting members of the community to wear blue and green on May 4th, to inspire community engagement and inclusion for the people who have a disability.

Friends of Community Living are encouraged to participate in the campaign by posting their photos to Twitter, Instagram and Facebook using the hashtag #shinealightonCL and #GuelphON

Parents’ Night Out

With generous support from the Guelph Community Foundation, Facilitation Wellington Dufferin is pleased to host a dinner and presentation for family members of adult children who have a developmental disability:
YOU—Strong, Centred and Connected

We all want a good life. For our loved ones. For ourselves. But it takes energy, stamina and community to make it happen. Especially over the long run. The better you’re doing, the more you have to give. Time for a night to focus on YOU.

Learn easy, practical, and proven ways to improve your health, mental health and supports. Meet other fabulous parents who “get it.” Join us for a fun night of delicious food, great company and fresh ideas on self-care.

P.S. There WILL be chocolate!

Monday, 7th May 2018, 5pm – Italian Canadian Club, 135 Ferguson St, Guelph.

For more information, see https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/you-strong-centred-and-connected-parents-night-out-tickets-44113791538

Be a donor – Ontario organ donor month

Today, in Ontario, there are over 1,500 people waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant. This is their only treatment option, and every 3 days someone will die because they did not get their transplant in time.

But you can help. When you register your consent for organ and tissue donation, you let those waiting know that you would help them if you could.

One donor can save up to 8 lives through organ donation and enhance the lives of up to 75 more through the gift of tissue.
Age alone does not disqualify someone from becoming a donor. The oldest organ donor was over 90 and the oldest tissue donor was over 100. There’s always potential to be a donor; it shouldn’t stop you from registering.
Your current or past medical history does not prevent you from registering to be a donor. Individuals with serious illnesses can, sometimes, be organ and/or tissue donors. Each potential donor is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Learn more about how you can save a life. Visit https://beadonor.ca today.

snapd article: Best Buddies Hooping It Up

Best Buddies is an organization that fosters friendships between University of Guelph students and individuals within the Guelph community with intellectual and physical disabilities. Best Buddies University of Guelph has over 100 participants and approximately 50 pairs! Their Hooping It Up fundraiser is just one of the four large events held throughout the year. Participants at the fundraiser donated $2.00 and had 1 minute to get as many free throws as possible for a chance to win 3 national grand prizes of $500!

link to snapd

For the full article with colour photos, please visit https://guelph.snapd.com/events/view/1123080

Canada Day

To: All Employees

Re: Canada Day

Please note that Canada Day will be observed on Monday July 2, 2018 as per Government regulations.

The Communiqué Jan 2018

Our latest issue of The Communiqué has just been published. Please click here to download this edition.